Monday, February 14, 2011

The cutest baby booties and advice on setting a price for your handmade items from CuriousWorkmanship

Wow, last week was quite a week as I got this blog started. It takes a lot of time, but I'm still here so let's see if I can last another one. :) I also wanted to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day today! My husband Clark says he has a surprise for me but I'll have to wait and see what he has up his sleeve.

Today I have asked Etsy seller "CuriousWorkmanship" to give us a little advice on choosing a price level for your handmade items. I know Sarah, the shop owner, "IRL" (in real life). I am amazed at how fast she produces her booties and how successful she has been at selling them. Here is one of my favorite items from her shop: PINK COWGIRL BOOTIES. It just can't get any cuter than this, but it does! She does crocheted ice skates, sneakers, football cleats, mary janes, sandals, and ballet slippers all for babies bare feet.

Sarah wrote a very informative article here:

I loved this article and the advice she gives as I'm deciding how much to sell my products for and how to balance that with the time it will take to produce them. She teaches that there IS a way to sell fewer things at a somewhat higher price and not work yourself to death to crank out tons of products to sell cheaply. Whew, what a relief!

Check out her, oh so cute, Etsy shop here:


  1. Great article - I know I've had a hard time deciding how much my things should be. I guess I need to play around with my pricing a bit more. Oh, and I've always thought her booties were super cute!

  2. Thanks for stopping by Evelyn. I agree, her booties are adorable.
